How is your day going? Hope this cheery big blooms pattern brightens your day because:
You are my happy!
This image features a snapshot of my newest big blooms pattern featuring roses.
Read MoreAt Pattern Bliss blog I'll be sharing my favorite surface pattern design inspirations, trends, a sneak peek my pattern designs, my favorite shoes, and, of course, cute dog pictures. Plus you'll get a glimpse of what goes on inside my studio in my sketchbook series.
How is your day going? Hope this cheery big blooms pattern brightens your day because:
You are my happy!
This image features a snapshot of my newest big blooms pattern featuring roses.
Read MoreEach day we face so many choices. And sometimes it's hard to decide which way to go. Whenever I feel that crazy twitch of indecision, I remember to keep it simple. And I find comfort in the fact each of us have the power to transform the day not by making miracles happen, but simply by doing our best.
That's why I love this advice from Lincoln:
"Whatever you are,
be a good one."