Design + Illustration

Pattern Bliss

At Pattern Bliss blog I'll be sharing my favorite surface pattern design inspirations, trends, a sneak peek my pattern designs, my favorite shoes, and, of course, cute dog pictures. Plus you'll get a glimpse of what goes on inside my studio in my sketchbook series.

Alicia Keys Portrait

Alicia Keys portrait by Chris Olson

Alicia Keys portrait by Chris Olson

I am so excited that Alicia Keys was back to host the Grammy Awards this year. All the controversy sounding surrounding the Grammys and nominations has been a distracting. I know the awards will be a true celebration of music because she is hosting. I can tell you that I feel the positive vibe Alicia sends out into the world.

My second portrait for Grammy Awards is a portrait of Alicia Keys.

You’ve got to have a good spirit on the inside. That’s what’s really going to make you look like you’re ready to rock the world.
— Alicia Keys

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