March Meet the Maker Challenge
I am joining @joannehawker 's #marchmeetthemaker challenge. Day 4: Brand/Logo. #MarchMeetTheMaker .
What I love to create is always adapting to each new creative inspiration— with each new creative brief. I think the unifying elements are a sunny color palette, texture, surface designs, people and faces, hand lettering, typography, and motion graphics.
Chris Olson portfolio website at
One of my favorite quotes for art and design is by Karen Walrond: "Comparison kills creativity. There is room for you. Nobody can do it with your voice, with your experience, with your insight.
I met Karen at BlogHer conference years ago. Her philosophy on what makes us different is what makes us beautiful is so inspiring. Check out her book: The Beauty of Different: Observations of a Confident Misfit
Favorite quote by Karen Walrond: "Comparison kills creativity. There is room for you. Nobody can do it with your voice, with your experience, with your insight.
Have a lovely and confident day!